
Ice-T's Rap School review

As I said 2 posts ago I am going to be review Ice-T's Rap School. Despite what I may have said before and what it implied this is seriously an alright show. In the first episode Ice-T dresses up all the kids in Hip Hop gear and takes em down to the South Bronx. One little *cough*Racist*cough* girl says "OMG TOTALLY NOT, IF I GO THERE I'M GOING TO GET RAPED, THEN I'M GONNA GET KILLED, THEN I'M GOING TO GET ROBBED!" She goes anyway though, probably cause shes scared of Ice-T. The people are probably the best part of the show, not counting the last girl I mentioned, since there all fucked up in someway or another. One kid think's hes a 75 year old guy from 1950. Another chick ways about the same as every other person in the class. Then there's this kid that st-st-st-stutters. Also Grandmaster Melle Mel and Grandmaster Caz make guest appearances.

Overall the shows about a 7/5. I took of one point for the fucked up kids. Also another one cause they're rich and spoiled. And the third one's off cause of the racist girl.

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